BAE Systems Engineering Challenge

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News / 23rd May 2024

On the 7th May we took two teams of year 10 GCSE engineering students to the BAE Systems Engineering Challenge 2024 and we are very excited to announce that one of our teams won!

The teams were asked to design and build a military reconnaissance vehicle to be used in a mountainous, forested area. They were given a small amount of initial materials, a budget (for any extras they thought necessary) and four hours to design and build! Each vehicle idea then had to be tested (on a track designed by the BAE systems team), presented to a Dragon's Den style panel and then was judged on the design choices made by the teams.

Both teams worked extremely hard and produced vehicles that worked and had some innovative and well thought  through design features. We were all really proud that their hard work was rewarded when one of our teams was awarded the overall winners title at the end of the day. The (very new) trophy is a 3D printed Dreadnought Class submarine and there was a goody bag for each of the winning students.