Exam Results

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News / 12th Aug 2021

We are very proud of our Year Eleven students who collected their results today. Despite the challenges of the last 18 months they have worked relentlessly and have thoroughly deserved the results they achieved. Most students achieved the grades they needed for their future plans and most students performed strongly in their key subjects. The staff worked incredibly hard to validate the students’ results on an individual basis however, in line with best practice, we will not be aggregating the results publicly; sufficient to say that many students have excelled themselves and got the brilliant results we are confident they would have achieved had the full exams taken place. Our top performers this year were Natalie M, Olivia S and Barney W who achieved truly stunning results and Austin E was the student who made the most progress from his starting point and deserves equal congratulation. Within these results there are so many achievements and triumphs that we celebrate privately and wish all our students the best in their undoubtedly bright future.