Courtmoor day1 2021 073
Courtmoor day1 2021 195

Ethos & Values

Court Moor is a values-based school. Whilst exam results are crucial, so are the personal attributes with which students leave at the end of their time here. The school tagline of ‘a great place to be and a place to be great’ summarises the key ethos of the school: somewhere people enjoy being and where they discover what they are fantastic at doing.

Positivity is at our core, we aim to create a school where there’s no room for cynicism, where we celebrate achievement yet strive to improve. Teachers at Court Moor are dedicated to each and every child in their care and give generously of their time to support all our learners. Great teaching is what we are about, and that means working continually with each teacher to further improve their skills to ensure that all students make great progress.

As important as the grades a student leaves with are the person they become and we try to take an active part in moulding the young people in our care. Our values are embodied in the Court Moor Character - five key characteristics which we aim to foster in our students: kindness, courtesy, integrity, courage and confidence. Our students are valued for far more than their educational outcomes, they are appreciated for who they are. 

We are developing our philosophy around the five senses we want our students to enter the wider world with: a sense of adventure, a sense of purpose, a sense of success, a sense of empowerment and a sense of belonging. We are working to build our curriculum and our whole school approach around this concept.

We want to be an excellent school, however our drivers are not external assessments but our own criteria based on the values and measures that we believe are important to create successful and rounded young people ready for the world beyond Court Moor.

For me, the key to ethos is that it’s something more than a statement on a website, or a notion in someone’s head – it’s something that is lived out every day in the interactions within the school. I am confident that our ethos is evident very quickly, such that it becomes difficult for students not to fall under the spell of the caring atmosphere.

Mrs Beattie